Kutch Navnirman Abhiyan
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Bangalore Extends Its Helping Hands

Emergent Need in Kutch: Funds for Orthopaedic Surgical Implants
Bangalore - Earthquake Update Appeal No. 4  (5th Feb 2001)

An emerging need in Kutch over the next few week/s is going to be for orthopaedic surgeries - and many of these will require surgical implants. According to Janpath Citizens' Initiative estimate 1 ortho surgery would cost between Rs.5,000 to 10,000 (cost of the surgery including implants) and per present estimates upto 5,000 such surgeries may be required.

You are requested to sponsor one surgery or help raise fund for several surgeries. Large organisations and corporate bodies are especially requested to aid this emergent need with large donations to cover such operations at scale. Immediate relief will not only save limbs, but may even aid those injured in leading a functional life.

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